Out Of Hours Service

CAREDOC (1850 334 999) is available outside of surgery hours for URGENT medical problems that cannot wait until the next available surgery.

MONDAY – FRIDAY: 6.00pm – 8.30am

WEEKENDS & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: from 12 pm on Saturday until Monday morning at 8am

Home Visits

Please do not ask the doctor to make a home visit if you are well enough to come to the practice.

  • Several patients can be seen at the practice in the time it takes to make one home visit.
  • You wiull recieve the best care by being seen at the practice where all your medical notes and other medical equipment are at hand.

NB. It is not harmful to bring a child with a fever or a temperature to the practice.

Other than in the case of an extreme emergency, all requests for a home visit should be made by telephoning 053 94 21336 before 10.30am.

The receptionist will ask a few questions to allow the doctor to assess the urgency of your call and to help you in the most appropriate way.

Medical Emergencies

For immediate medical assistance please diall 999 or 112.

The C-A-B OF Resuscitation

The simple emergency procedure can be carried out by anyone and could save a life.

Before attempting any emergency care, shout for assistance. Call 999 or 112 or ask someone else to make the call for you. The ambulance service will be able to support your efforts at resuscitation with advise on the phone, until help arrives.

Try to get the patient to respond, if they do not, roll the patient to their back.

C stands for Compressions (chest)

  • Place the heel of your hand on the center of the patients chest.
  • Put your other hand on top of the first with you fingers interlaced.
  • Press down so that you compress the chest at least 2 inches (adults and children) and 1.t inches (infants)
  • Compress the chest one hundred times a minute or even a little faster is optimal (about the same rhythm as the beat of The Bee Gee’s song (“staying alive”)

A stands for Airway

When someone collapses, lift their chin and gently tilt their head slightly backwards. This opens their airway and helps prevent suffocation.

B stands for Breathing

Pinch the nose closed. Take a normal breath, cover the patients mouth with yours to create an airtight seal, and then give two, one second breaths, as you watch for their chest to rise.