Now available at The Palms GP Surgery
You don’t have to be worried or symptomatic to book a sexual health check up. Many people are booking check ups as part of their routine healthcare. Whether you are in a relationship or not, it is important to have regular check ups. Good sexual health means making sure you have the knowledge, skills and ability to make informed sexual choices and acting responsibly to protect your health and the health of others. This includes planning pregnancy and preventing STIs.
Our new Sexual Health Clinic here at The Palms is available with our specialist Nurse on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. To book an appointment just call 053 942 1336 and request a Sexual Health Clinic appointment.
What to expect at your sexual health appointment.
The Nurse will initially take some details about your sexual health history. This allows us to decide if tests need to be taken at a later date or if you may need to see a GP. Please be assured that all your information will be kept confidential and we aim to make you feel as comfortable as possible during your consultation.
A downloadable form is available here. You can fill in details about your sexual health history and bring to your first appointment if you wish.
Both men and women will then have a simple blood test taken by the specialist nurse which will be sent to laboratory to be tested for HIV, Hepatitis B/C and Syphilis.
Men will be asked to provide urine sample which will be sent to the laboratory to be tested for Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea.
Women will have a swab taken from their cervix to check for Chlamydia / Gonorrhoea.This is a more accurate testing method for women as opposed to urine testing.It is not a painful procedure but usually described by women as uncomfortable.
It usually takes approximately one week to 10 days for results to get back to us from the laboratory.we will arrange with you to phone you with results.
You may be asked to attend a GP at a later date from your consultation with the nurse to allow the doctor to deal with aspects of your complaint.