Update on Face Masks and Exemptions

Wearing a face covering is recommended to help stop the spread of COVID-19. In some situations, wearing a face covering is mandatory, and you could be fined or imprisoned if you refuse to wear one without a reasonable excuse. Here is link to Citizens Information page.

At the Palms surgery we ask that all patients wear a mask to prevent the spread of COVID 19. If you have a reasonable excuse for not wearing a face covering you can tell a member of staff.


Face coverings are not suitable for some people, including children under 13. This means that children under 13 are exempt from the regulations.

If you have a reasonable excuse to not wear a face covering, you should tell a member of staff.

Reasonable excuses include where you:

  • Cannot wear a face covering because of a physical or mental illness or a disability, or because it would cause you severe distress
  • Need to communicate with someone who has difficulties communicating
  • Remove a face covering to provide care or assistance to a vulnerable person or to provide emergency assistance to someone
  • Remove a face covering to take medication
  • Remove a face covering to avoid harm or injury

Surgery Policy on Exemption Letters

The guidance as stated on Citizens Information website makes no mention of a note from your GP. If you feel that you cannot wear a mask for any of the reasons above then you simply advise the staff member of that. As a rule we recommend that people wear masks where possible and as a practice we are not giving out letters of exemption. We can furnish you with a copy of your or your child’s medical conditions if you would like but we are not going to be providing letters of exemption as there is no basis for these and they are not required.